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Join Us For Worship!

Visiting a new church can be daunting, but coming prepared will help you focus on the essential thing — meeting and worshiping God.

How can you prepare for worship at First URC? The following guide will help you plan your visit. Any other questions? Please ask!

Service Times & Location     
Planning Your Visit     
What is Worship Like?     
How Can I Learn More?     

Service Times & Location

We reserve the entire Lord’s Day as a time for worship and rest, meeting in the morning at 9:30am and returning for a distinct evening worship service at 6:00pm.

Coffee fellowship begins immediately after worship in the Fellowship Hall. Sunday School and Catechism classes begin at 10:45am, and an Adult Class is available at 11:00am (September-May).


6159 Riverside Dr. 
Chino, CA 91710

Our campus is located a few blocks south of the 60 Freeway between Mountain Avenue and Magnolia Avenue

Planning Your Visit

Meeting with the holy God of heaven and earth is an awesome experience. We pray you will come to worship with a heart readied by humility and a sense of gratitude toward God. We also hope you will arrive with a spiritual hunger to receive the nourishing banquet of his preached word.

Dress Code

We have no dress code. God is less interested in your appearance and more concerned about the condition of your heart (1 Sam. 16:7). Some of our members wear dresses or business suits; others come in jeans and a sweatshirt. We only ask that your attire be a reflection of your heart’s readiness to worship God in reverence and in awe.


We recommend that you arrive 15-20 minutes early so that you can get acclimated to the church building, meet some of our members, use the facilities, and find your seat. Greeters are available to give you a bulletin and answer any questions you may have.


We are a covenant community of believers and their children, with all ages joined in rich Christian fellowship. It is our hope that you will keep your children with you in worship so you can be fed by God’s word together. But we also understand that our little ones sometimes need special care and attention. Nursery care is available for all children (infants to 3 years old) during both the morning and evening worship services.


There are no assigned seats in the sanctuary. You may sit wherever you wish or an usher may direct you to an open seat.

What is Worship Like?

Our worship can be summed up in three words: God-centered, biblical, and historic

God-centered: We believe that God — not we — are the proper focus of worship. True worship is God-centered, not man-centered (Ps. 95:6-7; Heb. 4:16). When approaching God in worship, our first questions should never be, “What would I like to do? What would please me?” Rather, our worship should be driven by a genuine pursuit of God and his perfect will. One of the great virtues of Reformed worship is its God-directedness. Its order and its ingredients leave no doubt about what God’s people are gathered to do: offer publicly to God our sacrifice of praise, “the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name” (Heb. 13:15). We gather to meet, to know, and to glorify the triune God as the sole object of our worship.  

Biblical: How do we know what God wants in his worship? By consulting God’s inspired worship manual — the Bible. The simple and straightforward test for genuine worship is whether it conforms to God’s word. In it, God tells us how to worship him according to his character and commandments (Jn. 4:24). He commands us to pray (I Tim. 2:1), sing (Eph. 5:19), confess our sins (I Jn. 1:8-10), read the Bible and hear it preached (I Tim. 4:13), recite our faith (I Tim. 6:12), receive the sacraments (I Cor. 11; I Pet. 3:21), give offerings (I Cor. 16:1-2), and proceed with his covenant blessings (Num. 6:22-27; 2 Cor. 13:14). These are the things God desires for his worship, and we must not introduce other things into worship that God has not commanded. Anything else wearies and even angers him (Lev. 10:1-3). And so, we pattern our worship not after good intentions but after the revealed will of God in his word. We want to be biblical in everything we do — from the words that are preached to the songs that are sung.

Historic: We do not believe it is our job to reinvent God’s worship. Faithful Christian churches have worshiped God biblically for over 2,000 years, and in our worship we strive to reflect this godly heritage passed down to us. The historic character of our worship is reflected in our subscription to the ecumenical creeds and Reformed confessions of the church, which help us to be doctrinally sound, unified in the faith, and staunch in our gospel witness to the world. Our order of worship and song choices are also historically Christian and unapologetically Reformed. Like centuries of Christians before us, we give priority to the singing of Psalms and biblical hymns, and we conduct our worship services — like all church matters — “decently and in order” (I Cor. 14:40).  We firmly believe that obedient worship is joyful worship, and we stand on the shoulders of the faithful as they show us how this might look in our own worship today.

View our sermon series on the topic of worship.

How Can I Learn More?

We invite you to consult the Visitors Center, located at the back wall of our Fellowship Hall, where a welcome bag with information about our church is waiting for you. More importantly, please stay and mingle after worship so that one of our elders, pastors, or members can greet you and get acquainted. We also offer a New Members class every September and March, which provides a no-pressure opportunity to learn more about the church, its beliefs, and what it means to be a member.