WHO: College & Career Young Adults
WHAT: An inter-church Bible study fellowship.
WHEN: First Friday of the month, 7:00 PM, Fireside Room
WHO: Middle School kids
WHAT: A time of playing games, eating snacks, a devotional time. Once a month we meet on a Friday or Saturday just to get together and fellowship! Our special activities are a Retreat at the beginning of the year and Wipe Out Week in August.
WHEN: Every other Friday, 3:15 – 4:30 PM, Contact office for the schedule
SHIELD (Sharing His Irresistible Eternal Love Daily)
WHO: High School Age, Grade 9-12
WHAT: Bible Studies, various activities including fund raisers, a winter retreat and the annual Reformed Youth Services Convention
WHEN: Alternate Sundays after worship, 7:30 to 9:00 PM
WHO: 3 years old - Pre-school age
WHAT: Biblical instruction and singing
WHEN: Wednesdays at 9:30 AM during GLOW Bible Study