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We are committed…

…to being Reformed by God’s word in Doctrine and in Life


Our congregation holds the same essential faith and foundational beliefs as Christ’s true church throughout all times and places. Thus, as members of the universal (catholic) Christian church, we affirm the three major, ancient summaries of biblical doctrine: 

We also stem from a particular branch of the Protestant tradition known as Reformed churches, which seek to “return” or “restore” things to the pattern God provides in his word, the Bible. We exalt the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the supreme authority over all matters of faith and godliness. We hold the Bible to be inspired, inerrant, and sufficiently clear on all essentials, such that any sincere person may know God’s will and the way of salvation through it.  

We believe God pardons and reconciles sinners to himself “by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.” 

Reformed also signifies our beliefs about salvation. We believe God pardons and reconciles sinners to himself “by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.” Salvation is not a meritorious reward for one’s good works, nor is it finally conditioned on the goodness of one’s heart, mind, or will to believe. It is “the free gift of God” from start to finish since, “he who began a good work in you will complete it to the end” (Rom 6:23; Eph 2:8-10; Phil 1:6).


While believing sound doctrine is essential, we also hold that all genuine believers ruled by the Holy Spirit should give consequent evidence of living faith by pursuing a life of holiness and loving service to God, his church, and their neighbors. Because Christ calls his church not only to be hearers but also doers of God's word, we aim for all Christians to become true disciples of Jesus Christ. Our leaders strive to exemplify ongoing growth in Christlike holiness and love, and encourage it in the congregation.

Because Christ calls his church not only to be hearers but also doers of God's word, we aim for all Christians to become true disciples of Jesus Christ. 

We require our church officers to fully subscribe to the three ancient Ecumenical Creeds as well as the Three Forms of Unity:

We believe every believer has a role to play in Christ’s mission in the world, as members of his one Body (Eph. 4:12-16; Mt. 28:20).

…We welcome the children of believers not simply as observers but as beloved disciples and fellow worshippers being nurtured in the faith.

We are covenantal. Our members formally join the church by mutual vows of Christian faith, service, and accountability. This not only promotes unity, but means we welcome the children of believers not simply as observers but as beloved disciples and fellow worshippers being nurtured in the faith.

We are kingdom-oriented. We seek to translate Christian convictions into every sphere of life while maintaining our distinctiveness from the world (1 Tim. 6:13-16; Rom. 12:21).